To see all my faves go here.
It's interesting to look at all the photos I fave on Flickr over a couple weeks. I think it ends up beign a pretty good representation of all my favourite things.
top left corner: some beautiful save the dates
2 hops right: a little inspirational quote
1 hop left, and 1 down: Charles and Ray Eames on a motorcycle - cool!
4 hops right: fish and a dock and a cottage-y feeling
2 down: nice
1 down, 2 hops left: a dancer, I used to be that cute
3 left, 1 up: swimming, I love the water - I'm a Pisces afterall
1 hop down: a striped shirt and camera, two favourites in one
Have a great Wednesday :)
that's the cutest baby ever! love your choices dear. lovely taste, good eye.
SO CUTE!!!!!! I love this!! xo