
Petite Ourse

Wow, it's been a really long time since I've done a Canadiana Tuesday post... not since October 2011! Well, today isn't Tuesday but I do have a great little shop I'd love to share with you. 

As many of you know, babies are droolly little creatures. Edwin's drool production has really gone up since he discovered his hands and now always has them in his mouth. I was lamenting the fact that all his clothes get covered in drool last week when my friend Anile told me about a cute solution, bandana bibs! I love the idea of having something that does not scream bib but acts as a great little fashion accessory and useful face wiper. Etsy to the rescue, check out the bandana bibs from Petite Ourse, they're so cute and based right here in Quebec. Score!

I think my little droolmeister would look pretty darn cute in one of these. Visit Petite Ourse to see more of their bibdana selection.

Have a wonderful weekend!
xo Bess


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