I'm feeling a little uninspired today. It may have something to do with the grey skies and sounds of cars driving through giant puddles just outside my window, or the fact that BC is in a warm tropical land far far away, or because I'm ramming my head against my laptop trying to make my moose work in a repeating forest pattern.
Whatever the reason, the rain has inspired me to share with you my wonderful Japanese umbrella. I love it - it's transparent. Isn't it the most brilliant invention. I never walk into people on the sidewalk anymore, and it was cheap cheap cheap. Well to be honest, I'm not sure exactly how cheap it was since it was a gift from a friend who was traveling in Japan, but apparently it came from the "dollar store".
See you tomorrow...
Bess :)
100-Yen shops: Not just a dollar store anymore! (It's like $1.05) I love those transparent umbrellas!