
Let's get agressive about building passive

PassivHaus Magazine

Hi everyone out there in electronland,

This week is about saving electrons: we're going to highlight passive houses. Passive houses combine two things I care about, modern design and energy conservation or "green design".

Here's a quote from the US passive house institute:

"Super-efficient, cost-effective, carbon-neutrality within reach. Today."

IG Passiv Haus

It is estimated that there are currently 15,000 Passive Houses, most of which have been built in Germany, Austria and Scandinavia. With 90% less heat required to keep them warm than traditional houses, it is no wonder that they are viewed as not only an environmentally wise choice but also a financially beneficial decision. In Germany where the technology is in demand, it is "now possible to construct buildings for the same cost as those built to normal German building standards..." Wikipedia

Passive House US

"The dark colours on this thermogram of a Passive house (right) show how little heat is escaping compared to a traditional building (left)." Wikipedia

Happy Friday,
Big Chuck

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