
10 weeks to go... (knock on wood)

Well, it's a good thing I didn't start that baby blog I mentioned a while ago. I feel like this pregnancy is just flying by, and all my great plans to document it as it progressed are sort of out the window. I was actually going to take a belly photo every week—I'm lucky if I take one every three weeks. It's funny how that happens. In the beginning the weeks seemed to drag on, and now—well, I can't believe I'm 30 weeks pregnant today and the countdown is approaching single digits.

Big Chuck and I have been attending prenatal classes once a week for a couple hours. He asked me after our last class if I felt like I was getting anything out of them. With the internet at our finger tips you can pretty much find out everything you need to know in a matter of minutes, so why are we taking hours out of our evenings to trek (uphill) to these classes? It's not like anything our instructor has said has been a total surprise to me. I've been reading some books and talking to other moms, I feel like I've got a pretty good handle on what to expect (which seems to be anything and everything), but that said, I do find them helpful. It's nice to have the all the information surrounding what happens at the hospital drilled into me. Personally, I'm not a fan of hospitals. I'm sure nobody really is. They are so clinical and cold and all those instruments really freak me out. So, the more I can expose myself to that the more comfortable I hope to be when I find myself in the delivery room surrounded by medical equipment and doctors and nurses. Of course, Big Chuck and I have an added level of difficulty, we're giving birth at a French hospital. I had no idea that English hospitals even existed in Montreal, but we love our doctor and quite honestly I think we'll manage just fine. We've decided to make a big obstetrical vocab list en français which my doctor thought was a "cute" idea ;) I just don't really trust that either one of us is going to be operating at full mental capacity, and it's really important to know what doctors and nurses are saying to us, better safe than sorry, right?!

So, that's a little recap of what's going on over here. I'm going to try and be a better documenter over these next 10 weeks. It's such an exciting time and so much is changing!!

Have a wonderful Thursday :)
xx bess


  1. Oooh so beautiful!! What a gorgeous mama :) It definitely is flying by!! I can't believe baby will be here so soon!! p.s. when you're at the hospital, if you need a translator, just get me on speaker phone and yell!

  2. Oh Bess! I literally gasped when I saw your photo, you look absolutely fantastic!! So beautiful. And 30 weeks, wowza!!!! You are SO close!!!! I'm very excited for you guys!

  3. Congratulations! The countdown really begins! And I have to say, I love that birch block wall art behind you in the picture? Did you make that?!! PS - I've got a giveaway happening on my blog today too!

  4. you look lovely! I hope you feel good. My sis is due in about 8 weeks too. new babies = new love.

  5. Well, I'm ashamed that's it's taken me this long to realise you are pregnant, but then that's what having a baby does to you... you're off on your own little planet! I can certainly relate to everything you're saying though. Take it from you me you will be fine... I took no pre-natal classes, I wouldn't even have known where to start looking here in Greece, and I found everything I needed online and in books. And I was in a Greek hospital with my very bad spoken Greek, so communicating was a little tough and I didn't always get what I wanted. But things will have a way of working themselves out and it sounds like you are in very good hands :) Best of luck!

  6. You look great, and wow what a challenge at a French hospital. I think the list is a great idea! ;)

  7. Thank you for your sweet comments :)

    Rosa - Yes, we did make the Birch Bark Wall Art. You can see the DIY post here: http://englishmuffinblog.blogspot.com/2011/02/canadiana-bess-charlie-birch-bark.html

  8. You look beautiful, Bess! Wishing you all the best :)

  9. What a beautiful photo! You will treasure this one. :) I agree - it goes by soo incredibly fast! Sadly, that doesn't seem to slow down when they are out either. Wish you all the best!

  10. You're looking great. I too wasn't sure if the prenatal classes would help, but in the end I was glad I took them. One thing to read stuff in a book, look online or watch videos and another to talk about it with someone abd have a conversation about what to expect.

  11. beautiful picture, happy one digit countdown!

  12. Well, you can be a better documenter when the next baby arrives. :) You look great in this picture! My pregnant sister did the documentation for the first 20 weeks through blogging too. But she stopped because she didn’t want to update the blog anymore – all she wanted to do was sit, eat and watch TV! Preggy thing, I guess. How did your delivery go? Is it a boy or a girl? I’d love to hear your story. Enjoy parenthood, Bess!

    Chelsea Leis


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