
In the garden...

The weather was gorgeous this weekend and it had me spending a lot of time outside puttering about our garden. I can't believe I haven't shared our little backyard jungle with you yet, it's pretty amazing! Big Chuck and I started 95% of all the plants from seed this year, and it is so satisfying to see our tomatillos nearly 2 meters high already! The tomatoes are starting, the sweet peas have already been tasted, we've been harvesting arugula and lettuce for a few weeks now, and the herbs are really coming in handy in the kitchen.

While exploring all the new growth this weekend, I also snapped a few photos... enjoy!

Jalapeno Peppers

Lemon Thyme

Scarlet Runner Beans

Second batch of arugula (we're eating the first one too fast!)


Can you spot the fly on the tomatillo plant?

Tyke, he loves the garden the most of all.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend too!

Happy Monday,
xx bess


  1. Ah so beautiful! I can only imagine how satisfying it is to see so many things grow. All I've got is a little lemon on the lemon tree on my windowsill!

  2. Amazing! I am so jealous. I would love to have a veggie garden but it would have to be on lock down from the squirrels and raccoons.

  3. Your garden looks so fabulous! I just love the sight of newly sprouted tomatoes growing on the vine. Nothing screams summer to me quite as much as that!

  4. Looks great! My garden is mostly weeds and a few scattered plants that remain flowerless. Maybe next year I'll be able to pull a garden off.

  5. Wow, it is really growing. Our tomatoes are doing well but the herbs don't seem to take off. Any insights you could share?

  6. @Nordicbliss: Hummm, to be honest we plant the seeds, add water and sunshine. We did start them rather early and they lived inside until the weather was nice enough for them to survive the wind/rain/cooler nights. Perhaps that has something to do with it. Wish I could be more help ;)


  7. Such beautiful photos!! I love it!! How amazing to be able to enjoy them visually, and tastefully, too :) We have some pots of herbs outside and I wish we had them all year round, it's such a pleasure to go out there and snip some for a salad, or a marinade, or a drink :) Enjoy!! xo


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