I hope you had a relaxing long weekend and ate lots of Easter treats! Big Chuck and I stayed in Montreal for the holiday weekend and enjoyed some time in the garden, had a wonderful meal out with friends and managed to squeeze in a game of Rummikub (I won) and a Saturday afternoon nap. Perfection!
But enough about that, time for the Canadiana Tuesday post! If you know me, then you know that I don't usually wear very much jewelry. In fact, my wedding ring / engagement ring (I only wanted one ring on my finger) is pretty much the extent of my fancy jewelry collection. I like to keep my accessories simple and that's precisely what I love about the jewelry from June Designs. Based in Montreal, self-taught jewelry designer Joelle Latreille, creates lovely and unique rings, necklaces and earrings. Her sense of play and whimsy in her work really appeals to me. I could definitely see the bunny earrings in my ears and the knot ring on my finger - but not at the same time, of course ;)
To see more from June Designs, you can visit their Etsy shop.
Have a great Tuesday!
xo bess
I absolutely love these! So delicate, but still edgy. Gorgeous!